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Tours and Activities in Peru with Purchase of handicrafts to 1 Day (Full Day or by Hours)

Tour of Customs, Beaches and the Moches Paths

Tour of Customs, Beaches and the Moches Paths

Activities: Water activities, Purchase of handicrafts, Museums, monuments, Natural areas visits, Routes in other vehicles, Cultural visits

Route of Terror: Pre-Inca Stories of Human Sacrifices

Route of Terror: Pre-Inca Stories of Human Sacrifices

Activities: Purchase of handicrafts, Other drinks tasting, Natural areas visits, Mysticism, shamanism, Routes in other vehicles, Cultural visits

Archaeological Tour of Trujillo

Archaeological Tour of Trujillo

Activities: Purchase of handicrafts, Museums, monuments, Natural areas visits, Bird watching, Routes in other vehicles, Guided visits

Puerto Morín Beach Tour from Trujillo

Puerto Morín Beach Tour from Trujillo

Activities: Water activities, Purchase of handicrafts, Natural areas visits, Flora, wildlife observation, Guided visits

Facalá Fortress and Puerto Malabrigo Beach

Facalá Fortress and Puerto Malabrigo Beach

Activities: Purchase of handicrafts, Natural areas visits, Flora, wildlife observation, Routes in other vehicles, Sandboarding, Guided visits

Full Day in Huaca Rajada Chiclayo from Trujillo

Full Day in Huaca Rajada Chiclayo from Trujillo

Activities: Purchase of handicrafts, Other drinks tasting, Museums, monuments, Natural areas visits, Routes in other vehicles, Archaeological visits

Pañamarca, Hornillo Waterfall and more from Trujillo

Pañamarca, Hornillo Waterfall and more from Trujillo

Activities: Water activities, Wine tasting, Purchase of handicrafts, Museums, monuments, Natural areas visits, Routes in other vehicles

The Lady of Cao and the Lord of Sipán tour from Trujillo

The Lady of Cao and the Lord of Sipán tour from Trujillo

Activities: Purchase of handicrafts, Museums, monuments, Natural areas visits, Routes in other vehicles, Archaeological visits, Guided visits

The Ruta del Sol del Norte Peruano

The Ruta del Sol del Norte Peruano

Activities: Purchase of handicrafts, Museums, monuments, Cultural visits, Guided visits

Tour to Puerto Malabrigo Longest Left Wave in the World

Tour to Puerto Malabrigo Longest Left Wave in the World

Activities: Surf, Purchase of handicrafts, ATV

Tour to Pacasmayo and Balneario del Norte

Tour to Pacasmayo and Balneario del Norte

Activities: Diving, Purchase of handicrafts, Gastronomy, Museums, monuments, Hike, trekking

Full Day - Perene from La Merced

Full Day - Perene from La Merced

Activities: Boat rides, Purchase of handicrafts, Other drinks tasting, Shows, Hike, trekking

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